As we come to the end of the 2010 Holiday shopping season, I am filled with excitement at the news of the latest posted numbers from this years Christmas blowout in sales. The retail figures are way up! Consumers turned out in record numbers this year and were ready to purchase everything from high end luxury items to bargain basement deals.
According to the National Retail Federation, November and December account for up to 40 percent of annual retail sales and an even greater percentage of annual profits. It is no wonder the fashion community was breathing a much needed sigh of relief this season as things began to finally return to normal. Now I know what some of you are thinking, " what improvement"? Well, for all you doubting Tomas out there, I just so happen to have a copy of the latest figures to back it up. Here is the complete comparison report for the 2010 retail Holiday shopping season. Read em and weep....for joy that is!
Pre-Christmas Sales Totals
2010 pre-Christmas sales were $584.3 billion. Pre-recession 2007 pre-Christmas sales were $566.3 billion - MasterCard Advisors Spending Pulse
Pre-Christmas Spending Increases
Retail spending rose 5.5% in the 50 days before Christmas - MasterCard Advisors Spending Pulse
Pre-Christmas Sales Online
Online sales during the holiday season through Christmas Eve rose 15.4% year-over-year to $36.4 billion, according to MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse report.
Super Saturday Sales 2010 vs. Super Saturday Sales 2009
Super Saturday itself accounted for $7.58 billion in sales, a 10.1% increase over the $6.58 billion collected in 2009 (a comparison affected by a Super Saturday blizzard on the East Coast in 2009) - Shopper Trak
Super Saturday 2010 Weekend Sales
Retail sales over Super Saturday weekend (Dec. 17-19) rose 5.5% over the same weekend last year - ShopperTrak.
Super Saturday Foor Traffic in 2010
Foot traffic at the malls was up 3% on the Saturday before Christmas in 2010, compared to 2009 - Shopper Trak
Super Saturday's Significance to Holiday Shoppers in 2010
Nearly 75% of Americans completed their shopping by the end of Super Saturday in 2010 - ICSC
Ten Days Before Christmas - Shopping Statistics
31%-34% of shopping dollars generally change hands in the 10 days prior to Christmas - ShopperTrak
Free Shipping Day Online Increase in 2010
Free Shipping Day sales increased 61% in 2010, compared to the online sales on Free Shipping Day in 2009. - comScore
Free Shipping Day Total Sales 2010
$942 million was spent online on Free Shipping Day in 2010, compared to $586 million on Free Shipping Day 2010 - comScore
Free Shipping Marketing Strategy 2010 52.7% of online purchases included free shipping in the five days prior to Free Shipping Day, which is 12% more than 2009. - ComScore
Green Monday Sales 2010
$954 million was spent on Green Monday (December 13), which was a 12% increase compared to Green Monday, 2009. - comScore
Cyber Monday Sales Increases
Cyber Monday sales at online retail websites were 19.4% higher in 2010, compared to the online sales of Cybe Monday in 2009 - Coremetrics
Cyber Monday Total Sales
$1.028 billion was spent online on Cyber Monday in 2010, the first day in U.S. retail history to surpass the billion-dollar sales level. - comScore
Cyber Monday Mobile Sales
4% of all Cyber Monday shoppers used smartphones and mobile devices to make purchases. - Coremetrics
Total Number of Shoppers on Cyber Monday
9 million people made purchases online on Cyber Monday in 2010. - Comcast
Average Purchases Made Online on Cyber Monday 2010
The average online order on Cyber Monday 2010 was $194.89, which was 8.3% higher than the $180.03 average in 2009. - Coremetrics
Black Friday Sales Figures
$10.69 billion was spent on Black Friday in 2010 - ShopperTrak
Black Friday Weekend Sales
Black Friday weekend sales were $45 billion, compared to $41.2 billion in 2009 - NRF
Average Spent Per Consumer on Black Friday
The average amount spent per consumer on Black Friday, 2010 was $365.34, compared to $343.31 in 2009 - NRF
Total Number of Black Friday Shoppers
212 million shoppers visited stores and online websites on Black Friday, 2010, which was a 9% increase - NRF
Thanksgiving Day Retail Spending in 2010
Consumers spent $407 million on Thanksgiving Day 2010, a 28% increase compared to Thanksgiving Day in 2009. - ComScore
Mobile Commerce 2010
52% of U.S. smartphone users planned to use their phone to compare prices during the holiday season and 40% planned to use their phones to read product reviews. - Google Blog
Online Sales Records in 2010
Six days during the Christmas holiday shopping season saw more than $1 billion in sales - MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse
Total Online Holiday Season Sales
$36.4 billion was spent online by Thursday, the day before Christmas Eve, which was 15.4% more than 2009. - MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse
Thank God we can see the economy recovering a bit since Obama got in office. My family has really been feeling the recession, but thanks to Black Friday and Cyber Monday we've been able to still spend on Christmas gifts and not take a big hit. My daughter and I are going out shopping while my husband scans the internet for deals. The two of us are going to try and track down some designer coat or another for her, and some games for my son's playstation. My husband decided he wants a shopping spree on The Sportsman's Guide during their Cyber Monday sale so he can replace some of his camping equipment.